All About Issue 1(1): Criminal Justice and Policing Reform

The Journal of Interdisciplinary Public Policy Volume 1, Issue 1 is out! We have a wide variety of content available, so you are sure to find something you are interested in! Look no further than this short summary of what you can look for:

If you are interested in law, we discuss mandatory minimums, laws that are commonly used to pursue harsh sentences like life in prison, but have horrible use across racial lines. Maanas Sharma expertly lays out the case for eliminating mandatory minimums.

Additionally, Juhi Pandit highlights an oft overlooked issue: the rape kit backlog, the deliberate choice to not test the invasive medical exams for victims of rape and/or sexual assault. This is a great, emotionally touching essay that provides a well-thought out and justified argument!

Also, if you are interested in data science or policing, our featured expert Andrew Guthrie Ferguson explains predictive prosecution and how data is used in police operations.

In the midst of massive nationwide attention for the Black Lives Matter movement, numerous writers offer totally unique perspectives on protest! This edition includes an interview with award winning activist Micah White where we discuss how protest has changed over the years and how the current fight for Black lives has to go further to be truly effective! This is a must read if you are interested in protest and activism!

As always, we include emotionally touching art, poetry, and writing. Shruthi Dandamudi writes on the hopelessness we can feel every time we see another killed Black person on television, and how to navigate those feelings, and others’ art and first person experiences are included as well!

Read what interested you here!

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Life in Prison for Clippers: A Racialized Justice System